Digital Travel US 2025

September 15 - 16, 2025

JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort & Spa

Efrat Ravid

CMO Quantum Metric

Efrat Ravid  is the Chief Marketing Officer of Quantum Metric, she began her career as an engineer in Dassault Systemes, where she was sent to inland China to work directly with manufacturers and factories. Although young and new to her profession  at the time, Efrat knew instantly that she wanted to interact directly with customers to make better product versions and take her product to the next level. It was in this role that she found her passion for improving the customer experience.  This triggered her decision to take a marketing leadership position in technology-based companies.

Over the last decade Ravid has served as a CMO, and has led marketing teams in creative marketing that is based on unique messaging, valuable content, memorable digital experiences, brand and demand generation. She has worked closely with CMOs and heads of ecommerce across different industries such as travel, hospitality, retail and high tech.

Today, as a Chief Marketing Officer of an exciting SaaS company, Quantum Metric, Ravid uses her position to mentor and sponsor digital professionals to provide better products and experience to customers.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Efrat.

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